mohitsaini24's Stars
pyDecision is a comprehensive Python library that encompasses a wide array of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. These powerful and versatile tools assist in making effective decisions by comparing alternatives based on multiple criteria, making it a valuable resource for researchers, analysts, and decision-makers.
Python library to perform Analytic Hierarchy Process.
A Python implementation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Spectral decomposition of spillover measures
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with R
The analysis was conducted using the Pyscopus plugin for python (84). Pyscopus is a wrapper for the scopus API; scopus is the world’s largest database of peer reviewed literature. The search used the query function “TITLE-ABS-KEY” which searches for a set of words within the title, abstract, and keywords section of all papers within the scopus database. Additionally a proximity factor “w/10” was used indicating that the key words should be within 10 words of each other, this was done to ensure results actually referred to the FEW nexus and not abstracts which simply had all of those words present. This approach means that papers which discuss only two nodes of the nexus, for example a paper about the water-energy nexus, were excluded unless the full nexus was explicitly mentioned.
An Implementation of Parametric and Nonparametric Event Study
Research Paper that looks into correlation and co-movement between Oil (CL) and the S&P500 (ES) markets by employing wavelet coherence analysis on both price and volatility
A study on the effect of dividend declaration on stock abnormal returns, using Apple Inc. as an example. Based on market model, CAPM model, market adjusted excess return and mean adjusted excess return, the study selects the announcement date of Apple's dividend plunge as the event date and tests if its abnormal return and cumulative abnormal return change significantly before and after the event day.
This is a tutorial for using text mining to perform literature reviews