website monitoring homepage with video tutorials!
- User friendly
- Platform independent
- Can run standalone or on your custom Java EE server and your database
- Monitor single web page, pages in sitemap and even your whole web site using spider
- Check not only HTTP result codes, but also page contents
- Find broken links on your website
- Microservice (REST APIs) monitoring - XML (using XPath) and JSON (using JSONPath)
- Periodic checking (built-in cron mechanism)
- Email notifications
- Statistics
To login use these credentials: username = admin, password = admin
Just download latest ZIP file.
Extract and run: startup.bat
(Linux is also supported)
OR download sources and run: mvn clean install -P standalone
Next run: java -jar target/sitemonitoring.war
Set database properties in src/main/resources/
, add to classpath JDBC driver and finally run:mvn clean package -P war
. Out of the box will be used HSQL embedded database (to validate functionality). Supported databases are MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. See video tutorial how to use it.
To run in development mode: mvn jetty:run -P dev