Scala 3 Compiler Plugin Example

A Scala 3 compiler plugin to count the most frequently called methods in a program.


First, clone the repo and publish the plugin locally:

sbt > plugin/publishLocal

Then enable the plugin in your SBT build:

libraryDependencies += "org.mycompany" %% "scala-counter-runtime" % "0.1.0",

libraryDependencies += compilerPlugin("org.mycompany" %% "scala-counter-plugin" % "0.1.0")

Now compile your program, a file named methods.csv will be generated:

# id, method, class, top-level class, file, line
0, main, Hello$, Hello$, hello/Hello.scala, 1
1, foo, Hello$, Hello$, Hello.scala, 5
2, bar, Hello$, Hello$, Hello.scala, 10

Run your program with some sample input, a file named results.csv will be generated:

# id, calls
0, 1
1, 6
2, 1

You can use standard tools like xsv to join the two files:

xsv join 1 hello/methods.csv 1 hello/results.csv  | xsv table    # pretty print
xsv join 1 hello/methods.csv 1 hello/results.csv  > joined.csv   # for input to spreadsheet

You can also supply a config file to the plugin in the SBT build:

scalacOptions += "-P:counter:hello/counter.yml"

The config file has the following format:

methodsCSV: hello/methods.csv
resultsCSV: hello/results.csv

Please check the configuration for the subproject hello in build.sbt for more detail.


First, publish the plugin locally:

sbt > counter/publishLocal

Run test

sbt > hello/compile; hello/run

Check the files under hello:

├── Hello.scala
├── counter.yml
├── methods.csv
├── results.csv


MIT License