
Crypto Wallet Login & Authentication

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

CyptoWallet Authentication and Autorization

Serverside: ASP.Net Core API

Clientside: Reactjs

Getting Started

Clone the repository to your local machine or download project zip file to your local machine.

For running this project you need the following items to Installed on your local machine

Serverside Prerequisites

Clientside Prerequisites

Serverside Installing

Run the below command to restore, build and run the project

Restore the nuget packages

dotnet restore

Buid the project

dotnet build

Add or Update DataBase (Package Manager Console)


Run Server Project

dotnet run

Clientside Installing

Run the below command to install dependencies and run project

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run Client Project

npm start


This project is a easy sample for Athentication with Crypto Wallet and there is no need to Deployed



This project is licensed under the MIT License


  • Storing data in SQL
  • JWT AccessToken & RefreshToken
  • Reactjs - web3 - etherjs
  • Nethereum