
A Simple Monitoring Dashboard for Docker Swarm Cluster

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Swarm Dashboard

A simple monitoring dashboard for Docker in Swarm Mode.

Publish Docker image

Example Dashboard

Swarm Dashboard shows you all the tasks running on a Docker Swarm organized by service and node. It provides a space-efficient visualization and works well at a glance. You can use it as a simple live dashboard of the state of your Swarm.

It also shows the CPU/Memory/Disk usage of your swarm node and containers.


The dashboard needs to be deployed on one of the swarm managers. You can configure it with the following Docker compose file:

# compose.yml
version: "3"

    image: mohsenasm/swarm-dashboard:latest
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - 8080:8080
      TZ: "your_timezone"
      ENABLE_HTTPS: "false"
          - node.role == manager
    image: quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:v1.6.1
      - '/:/host:ro'
      - '--path.rootfs=/host'
      mode: global

    image: gcr.io/cadvisor/cadvisor:v0.47.2
      - /:/rootfs:ro
      - /var/run:/var/run:rw
      - /sys:/sys:ro
      - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro
      - /dev/disk/:/dev/disk:ro
      mode: global

and deploy with

$ docker stack deploy -c compose.yml sd

Note that the usage of node-exporter and cadvisor are optional, to fetch node CPU/Memory/Disk usage and containers' CPU/Memory usage respectively. If you don't specify NODE_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME_REGEX and CADVISOR_SERVICE_NAME_REGEX envs, the default is not using this feature, because of backward compatibility.

Advance Usage

List of environment variables for more customization:

Enviroment Varibles Example Considration
PORT 8080 HTTP / HTTPS port.
PATH_PREFIX /prefix_path All HTTP and WebSocket connections will use this path as a prefix.
TZ Asia/Tehran Set the timezone for the time reported in the dashboard.
SHOW_TASK_TIMESTAMP false true by default.
ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION true false by default.
USERNAME admin Use this env if ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION is true.
USERNAME_FILE /run/secrets/username Alternative to USERNAME.
PASSWORD supersecret Use this env if ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION is true.
PASSWORD_FILE /run/secrets/password Alternative to PASSWORD.
ENABLE_HTTPS true false by default.
LEGO_PATH /lego-files Use this env if ENABLE_HTTPS is true. Lego is used to create the SSL certificates. Create a named volume for this path to avoid the creation of a new certificate on each run.
HTTPS_HOSTNAME swarm-dashboard.example.com Use this env if ENABLE_HTTPS is true.
LEGO_NEW_COMMAND_ARGS --accept-tos --email=you@swarm-dashboard.example.com --domains=swarm-dashboard.example.com --dns cloudflare run Use this env if ENABLE_HTTPS is true.
LEGO_RENEW_COMMAND_ARGS --accept-tos --email=you@swarm-dashboard.example.com --domains=swarm-dashboard.example.com --dns cloudflare renew Use this env if ENABLE_HTTPS is true.
USE_RENEW_DELAY_ON_START false Lego usually adds a small random delay to the renew command, but we don't need this delay at the start because it's not an automated task.
CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL you@example.com You can use any DNS provider that Lego supports.
CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY yourprivatecloudflareapikey You can use any DNS provider that Lego supports.
DOCKER_UPDATE_INTERVAL 5000 Refresh interval in ms. Choosing a low refresh interval will increase CPU load as it refreshes more frequently.
METRICS_UPDATE_INTERVAL 60000 Refresh interval in ms. Choosing a low refresh interval will increase CPU load as it refreshes more frequently.
NODE_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME_REGEX node-exporter Use this env to enable node-exporter integration.
NODE_EXPORTER_INTERESTED_MOUNT_POINT /rootfs You may need this config if you have not specified --path.rootfs for node-exporter.
CADVISOR_SERVICE_NAME_REGEX cadvisor Use this env to enable cadvisor integration.
ENABLE_DATA_API true Use this env to export the /data API that returns the swarm status as a JSON object. Note that it requires basic-auth if ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION is activated.
ENABLE_NETWORKS false true by default, set to false to remove the network section from the dashboard.


  • We redact docker event data before sending them to the client. The previous version was sending the whole docker event data, including environment variables (someone might have stored some passwords in them, by mistake!). So, please consider using the newer version.

  • Using the ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION environment variable, there is an option to use Basic Auth. The WebSocket server will close the connection if it does not receive a valid authentication token. See the example in the above section for more info.

  • Using the ENABLE_HTTPS environment variable, there is an option to use HTTPS and WSS. We have Let’s Encrypt integration with the DNS challenge. See the example in the above section for more info.

Production use

There are two considerations for any serious deployment of the dashboard:

  1. Security - the dashboard node.js server has access to the docker daemon unix socket and runs on the manager, which makes it a significant attack surface (i.e. compromising the dashboard's node server would give an attacker full control of the swarm)
  2. The interaction with docker API is a fairly rough implementation and is not very optimized. The server polls the API every 1000 ms, publishing the response data to all open WebSockets if it changed since last time. There is probably a better way to look for changes in the Swarm that could be used in the future.

Rough roadmap

  • Show more service details (published port, image name, and version)
  • Node / Service / Task details panel

Both feature requests and pull requests are welcome. If you want to build/test the code locally, see commands.md in the test-cluster directory.

Prior art


  • Mohammad-Mohsen Aseman-Manzar (current maintainer) - code, docs
  • Viktor Charypar (previous repo owner) - code, docs
  • Clementine Brown - design

Star History

Stargazers over time