
Zero-config PWA for Vite

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

vite-plugin-pwa - Zero-config PWA for Vite


  • Generate Service Worker with Offline support (via Workbox)
  • Auto inject Web App Manifest
  • Prompt for new content refreshing
  • Automatic reload when new content available
  • Advanced (injectManifest)
  • WIP: Icons generation for different dimensions


npm i vite-plugin-pwa -D # yarn add vite-plugin-pwa -D

Add it to vite.config.js

// vite.config.js
import { VitePWA } from 'vite-plugin-pwa'

export default {
  plugins: [


Simple (generateSW)

  manifest: {
    // content of manifest
  workbox: {
    // workbox options for generateSW

Prompt for new content

// main.ts
import { registerSW } from 'virtual:pwa-register'

const updateSW = registerSW({
  onNeedRefresh() {
    // show a prompt to user
  onOfflineReady() {
    // show a ready to work offline to user
// when user clicked the "refresh" button
// the page will reload and the up-to-date content will be served.

You can find an example written in Vue 3: ReloadPrompt.vue.

Automatic reload when new content available

With this option, once the service worker detects new content available, then it will update caches and will reload all browser windows/tabs with the application opened automatically to take the control.

The disadvantage of using this option is that the user can lose data in other browser windows / tabs in which the application is open and is filling in a form.

If your application has forms, it is recommended that you change the behavior to use default prompt option to allow the user decide when to update the content of the application.


With this option, the plugin will force workbox.clientsClaim and workbox.skipWaiting to true.

  registerType: 'autoUpdate',  
  manifest: {
    // content of manifest
  workbox: {
    // workbox options for generateSW


// main.ts
import { registerSW } from 'virtual:pwa-register'

const updateSW = registerSW({
  onOfflineReady() {
    // show a ready to work offline to user

Advanced (injectManifest)

You will need to include workbox-* dependencies as dev dependencies.

// sw.js
import { precacheAndRoute } from 'workbox-precaching'
// self.__WB_MANIFEST is default injection point
// vite.config.js
  strategies: 'injectManifest',
  manifest: {
    // content of manifest

You can use Typescript to build your service worker, you can find an example written for a Vue 3 project: sw.ts. To resolve service worker types, just add WebWorker to lib entry on your tsconfig.json file, for example:

"lib": ["ESNext", "DOM", "WebWorker"],

Full config

Check out the type declaration src/types.ts and the following links for more details.

IDE errors 'Cannot find module' (ts2307)

If your TypeScript build step or IDE complain about not being able to find modules or type definitions on imports, add the following to the compilerOptions.types array of your tsconfig.json:

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [

Testing service worker

Since this plugin will not generate the service worker on development, you can test it on local following these steps:

  1. install https-localhost as a dev dependency: npm i --save-dev https-localhost
  2. add https-preview script to your package.json:
"https-preview": "serve dist"
  1. build your app and run https-preview: npm run build && npm run https-preview.

First time you run it, it will ask you about installing a certificate (that will be generated for you), confirm installation on OS (keychain on macosx and certificate manager on windows) and open https://localhost on browser.


This project is part of my Sponsor Program


MIT License © 2020 Anthony Fu