
kotlin- compose - mvvm - hilt - retrofit - coroutines - clean architecture

Primary LanguageKotlin


RecipeApp is for developing an app by Jetpack Compose UI. This is an offline-first application that shows a list of food on the first page. I try to use all kinds of Jetpack Compose Features.

• Jetpack Compose UI (M3)
• Compose navigation (one activity, zero fragments)
• Compose Shared Element Transitions
• Multi Module
• Use cases
• Unidirectional Data flow
• Worker (Hilt Worker)
• Dependency Injection (HILT)
• Retrieve Network Data from API (REST API)
• Moshi JSON library
• Database caching (Room)
• Datastore (New Shared Preferences)
• Unit Testing
• MockWebServer (Okhttp)
• Dependency management with VersionCatalog

Thanks to Mitch Tabian
