Foodcoach Patient front-end application. In this application patient is able to follow a diet plan, review recommended foods for each daily meal and see the progres in terms of weight loss/gain among other functionalities. This project is built on top of Vuetify which makes it cross platform (Mobile,Desktop,Handheld).
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run test:unit
Make sure playwright package is installed. Make sure Database is Clean. Make sure playwright playwright.config.ts file has the correct Website address.
0.Installing Playwright browsers (Webkit, Chromium, Nightly) => Note: Chromium core is faster than other options.
npx playwright install
Run the following command to execute e2e tests
npm run playwright
To use these options, you should change directory.
cd ./tests/e2e/
Run Tests in headed Mode:
npx playwright test --headed
Run Tests indicating browser(s)
npx playwright test --browser="firefox" --headed