Simple Erlang Project Creator

Primary LanguageErlang


SEPC is a bash script that creates an Erlang project. Projects created with SEPC have 4 profiles: Test, Development, Stage, and Production. Test profile used for Common Test or CT. Development profile used for developing purposes. I use this profile for running projects on my PC. Stage profile used for pre-deployment. Before I deploy a project in the production environment, I deploy it on stage and other staff use it for their purposes. Production profile used for real deployment on production servers.


Use git command for downloading SEPC:

%git clone https://github.com/mohsenmoqadam/SEPC

2-use the SEPC

go to SEPC directory:

%cd SEPC

Create your project:

%./sepc.sh app_name


%./sepc.sh app_name app_ver

3-run project on your PC and enjoy!

%make proto
%make rel-dev
%make console-dev

4-create a tar archive for the stage:

%make rel-stage

take note of the last line, it informs you about Tarball path. You can upload it on the stage environment.

5-create a tar archive for production:

%make rel-prod

take note of the last line, it informs you about Tarball path. You can upload it to the production environment.