An Android app that receives IMEI on a SOTI managed device from MobiControl agent

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An Android app that on a SOTI managed device receives IMEI from MobiControl agent.



As almost all Android developers know, since Android 10 the apps cannot have any unique identifier to distinguish a specific device for the sake of user privacy which is fine from the user perspective but if you are developing for a company that has enterprise-managed devices and like to know which device is talking with the backend to white list them then it makes sense to have something like IMEI as a unique ID. The good news is if you are using the SOTI MobiControl device manager solution, there is a solution to ask their Agent that has access to Android Enterprise APIs to pass you the Device IMEI value!

How does it works?

This app has a simple IMEI Broadcast receiver which receives a message from SOTI MobiControl Agent and stores it.

How to test?

Using ADB you can send this broadcast message intent to test how app works:

adb shell am broadcast -a com.mohsenoid.android.soti.imei.ACTION --es imei "IMEI\ from\ ADB" -n com.mohsenoid.android.soti.imei/.ImeiReceiver

SOTI MobiControl Script

Using the sendintent command in SOTI scripts the IMEI Broadcast receiver receives the IMEI value from the %IMEI% macro:

sendintent -b "intent:#Intent;action=com.mohsenoid.android.soti.imei.ACTION;S.imei=%IMEI%;component=com.mohsenoid.android.soti.imei/.ImeiReceiver;end;"