A simple CRUD Application complete build with ajax.

This is a single page full CRUD application (as for as the front page is concern) with ajax no page referesh no redirection everything is realtime.

How to run this application

Paste the PHP Ajax folder in htdocs make a database named ajax and import the cars.sql file for the data base

Go to http://localhost/PHP%20Ajax/


I have not Followed the Object Oriented approach or good practices in this application For example I have made connection on every PHP file instead of making it in seperate file I have used same HTML id for multiple elements. I haven't made function for displaying the data realtime instead I am coping and pasting code each time where I need to render the data from data Base

The purpose of this application was just to show you the power of ajax although you can impliment this application in much better way but the basic ajax concept is the same