
This project is a simple React application bootstrapped with Vite. That allows to browser through public repositories and filters based on stars and search term.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Project with Vite

This project is a simple React application bootstrapped with Vite. That allows to browser through public repositories and filters based on stars and search term.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:


  • Node.js installed on your machine. You can download it here.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url>
  1. Navigate into the project directory:
cd <project-directory>
  1. Install dependencies using npm:
npm install

Running the Development Server

To run the development server and view the project in your browser, run the following command:

npm run dev

This command starts the development server and shows the URL to open. Any changes you make to the source files will be hot-reloaded, allowing for a smooth development experience.

Building for Production

To build the project for production, run:

npm run build

This command generates an optimized build of your application in the dist directory.

Project Structure

The project structure is as follows:

├── public/             # Public assets
├── src/                # Source code
│   ├── components/     # React components
│   ├── pages/     		# App Pages
│   ├── api/     		# API related hooks and utils
│   ├── utils/     		# Common utils
│   ├── App.js          # Main application component
│   └── index.js        # Entry point for the application
├── .gitignore          # Git ignore file
├── package.json        # NPM package configuration
└── README.md           # This README file