Spring-Jenkins & Docker

Build & Deploy


  1. git clone https://github.com/mohsinkd786/spring-jenkins.git

  2. cd spring-jenkins

  3. mvn clean install

  4. docker build -t mydockerusername/nameOfDockerImage:tagName . Once the image has been build successfully

  5. docker images

  6. docker run -p 8080:8080 -t mydockerusername/nameOfDockerImage:tagName(or ImageID)

  7. test the running images

  8. docker ps

  9. Check the running container

  10. http://localhost:8080/

  11. To expose this APi via web : https://ngrok.com/download

  12. spawn a container from image

    docker run -p portThatuWantToExpose:PortMentionedinDockerFile ${imageID}
  13. Stop the container

    docker stop ${containerId}
  14. Start the container

    docker start ${containerId}
  15. Run container in the background

    docker run -p 9122:8080 -d ${imageID}
  16. Remove/Delete container

    docker rm ${containerId}
  17. Remove/Delete Image

    docker rmi ${imageId}
  18. Login to Docker Hub

    docker login
  19. Push Image to Docker Hub

    docker push dockerUsername/dockerImageName:tagName