
This repository is for Auto Machine learning project


This repository is for AutoML, a framework to automate repeatable parts of machine learning.

Short Term Goal: Develop/Leverage independent modules to automate machine learning parts which we regularly do in our projects

Long term Goal: To be able to build good baseline models (output along with code for training and scoring) with a single command

The idea behind this project is to provide utilities to data scientist for quick prototyping of machine learning models. The utilities should provide varying levels of automation from generating single model in one command to having simple modules for transformation of data.

The whole project will be broken down into 6 sub-categories:

  1. Auto EDA
  2. Auto Impute
  3. Auto Transform
  4. Auto Feature
  5. Auto Model
  6. Auto Post Process

For python scripting guidelines, please follow this link: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/

Coming Soon: A repository with examples of where EasyLearn has been used