
In this android app, an user can see his position on the map with a button click. Using the device's location manager, the latitude and the longitude of the user's location is fetched and using the geocoder, the location is shown as a marker on the google map.

Primary LanguageJava


In this android app, an user can see his position on the map with a button click. Using the device's location manager, the latitude and the longitude of the user's location is fetched and using the geocoder, the location is shown as a marker on the google map.

Here's a brief breakdown of how to build this project:

1. Create a new project in the android studio with empty activity. Then, add a new activity from the toolbar and select 'Google Maps Activity'.
2. After this, you'll get a 'google_maps_api.xml' file. An address is given in this file. As the lines are commented, carefully look for that address. Follow that address and you'll a get a google maps api key. Copy that key and paste it inside the highlighted section of the xml file.
3. You'll see another two files, a java file and another xml file after creating a google maps activity. Go to app->src->main->java->com->example->maplocation of this repository, so that you get the codes with explanations.