
Spring boot application that enable users who forgot their passwords to reset them.

Primary LanguageJava


Spring boot application that enable users who forgot their passwords to reset them.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Mail
  • Thymeleaf
  • MySql DB
  • Hibernate
  • Maven


Java 1.8 or greater, Spring boot 2.0 or greater, Maven, IntelliJ or Eclipse

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes:

  • Create a database password_reset for testing purposes.
  • import the project in IntelliJ or Eclipse.
  • Or build the project using maven to get a jar file.
  • Use google chrome or any other browser to test end points for signup, login, forgot-password & reset-password.


These are the articles that helped me complete this application: