Extracts schedule of notices of leases from pdf
Uses python3
Create a virtual environment - Optional but recommended
$ python -m venv venv
Install requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run script using:
$ python script.py
The above command defaults to using the file register.pdf
in the root directory and saves the result to output.json
in the root directory.
To use a different file name or path, specify file name and/or path using -f
or --file
$ python script.py -f <file path>
To save result to a different file or path, specify file name and/or path using -o
or --output
$ python script.py -o <output file path>
Putting it together
$ python script.py -f <file path> -o <output file path>
For help, use -h or --help
$ python script.py -h