N-CMAPSS data preparation for Machine Learning and Deep Learning models. (Python source code for new CMAPSS dataset)
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- bwzhou1
- chuan01
- cloverwkk
- Delta0406Northwestern Polytechnical University
- evilenchante
- fanzimenUniversity of Chinese Acadamy of Science
- fengxy369
- findoctorlinHannover
- GreenBeautifulCups
- hencabral
- hippf
- hxf1228Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech.
- jimmykimmy68Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
- JiongranWen
- JoTyjt
- liangliangzhuang杭州
- ligugeBeijing Jiaotong University
- lipijiNUAA
- lucabig
- PatekGao南京航空航天大学(NUAA)
- rekingbcVancouver, BC, Canada
- sykhan88
- thiagobcoelho25Somewhere Beyond Time and Space
- tjdhg456
- tsnnayStudent
- tsume82University of Trento
- Unicorn230416
- upup1047
- xiaozhangxiaoshi
- xxx-xx-11
- yuanxiangqin
- yusufguleray
- zachmomo
- zhangyahu1Northwestern University