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Quantum annealing and information processing of statistical mechanics

The followings are a summary of codes for using quantum annealing.
These will be published in a textbook of "quantum annealing and information processing of statistical mechanics" on early 2020.
If you find any problems while checking the following codes, please tell me from issues. issues

From a collection Karp NP-complete problems

You can see the following codes through the nbviewer: nbviewer
In addition, you can run the following codes through the Google Colaboratory: Google Colaboratory

Please install pyqubo and openjij in your environment or in Google Collaboratory:

pip install pyqubo
pip install openjij

pyqubo is a good tool for implementing the Ising model from the form of equation provided by the Recruit Communications Co. Ltd.
openjij is a labirary for simulating the simulated annealing, quantum annealing and various methods in statistical mechanics provided by the Jij Inc.

index title nbviewer Open in Colab
1 number_partition.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
2 graph_partition.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
3 max_clique.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
4 graph_coloring.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
5 knapsack_problem.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
6 jobsequencing.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
7 dwave-number_partition.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab
8 dwave-hybrid_number_partition.ipynb nbviewer Open In Colab