Yolo V1 - Road Detection


The dataset used for this project is the RDD2022 Dataset. It is from 2022 paper RDD2022: A multi-national image dataset for automatic Road Damage Detection.

It consists both drone and car images. In particular, I the RDD2022_China_Drone dataset for training and testing. It is fairly small, with only 2400 images. Nevertheless, it is a good dataset to start with.


Class Name Description
D00 Longitudinal Cracks
D10 Transverse Cracks
D20 Alligator Cracks
D40 Potholes
Repair Repaired Crack
Block crack Block Cracks
Image 1 Image 2
Image 1 Image 2

Image 1


To start with, I used the YoloV1 model. It is a single stage object detection model. It is simple and easy to implement. It is also fasف. At the time of, I only trained the model for 30 epochs, but it is already able to detect the road damages, albeit not very well.

Image 1

I also tried to use the YoloV3 model, still in progress...