
Firestore versionning

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A schema migration tool for firestore heavily inspired by flyway


yarn add --dev @moifort/fireway

How to

Run on emulators: fireway migrate --path=MIGRATION_DIR_PATH --projectId=FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID --emulator

  • MIGRATION_DIR_PATH: migration directory path where script are see Migration file format. i.e. ./migration/dev
  • FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID: firebase project id defined in .firebaserc file. i.e. grdf-c590f

On production: fireway migrate --path=MIGRATION_DIR_PATH


  $ fireway <command> [options]

Available Commands
  migrate    Migrates schema to the latest version

For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag
  $ fireway migrate --help

  -v, --version    Displays current version
  -h, --help       Displays this message

fireway migrate

  Migrates schema to the latest version

  $ fireway migrate [options]

  --path         Path to migration files  (default ./migrations)
  --projectId    Target firebase project
  --emulator     Run on emulator
  -h, --help     Displays this message

  $ fireway migrate
  $ fireway migrate --path=./my-migrations
  $ fireway migrate --projectId=my-staging-id

Migration file format

Migration file name format: vXXX__[description].js when XXX is a number ex: 001, 002

// each script gets a pre-configured firestore admin instance
module.exports.migrate = async ({firestore}) => {
    await firestore.collection('name').add({key: new Date()});

Migration results

Migration results are stored in the fireway collection in firestore

  checksum: 'fdfe6a55a7c97a4346cb59871b4ce97c',
  description: 'example',
  execution_time: 1221,
  installed_by: 'system_user_name',
  installed_on: firestore.Timestamp(),
  installed_rank: 3,
  script: 'v0.0.1__example.js',
  success: true,
  type: 'js',
  version: '0.0.1'

Migration logic

  1. Gather all the migration files and sort them according to semver
  2. Find the last migration in the fireway collection
  3. If the last migration failed, stop. (remove the failed result or restore the db to continue)
  4. Run the migration scripts since the last migration


To run on your project (with your CD for instance) give GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variable.

GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS='{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...", "private_key": "...", "client_email": ...", "token_uri": "..." }' fireway migrate --path=./migration/prod

You can find the json on your firebase console: Settings/Service Account/SDK Admin Key/Generate private key

You dont need GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS if you use --emulators but you must provide --projectId

