Nil bot does nothing except keeping WebSocket connection with Slack.
If you are running Kubernetes with Helm installed you can start nil-bot in this way:
helm repo add moikot
helm install moikot/slack-nil-bot --name=nil-bot --set token=[bot user key]
On Raspberry Pi (arm) or Linux (amd64) or you can run it on Docker.
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -e BOT_TOKEN=[bot user token] moikot/slack-nil-bot
If you've got Golang environment and Dep installed, you can build it from source and run.
git clone
cd slack-nil-bot
dep ensure -vendor-only
export export BOT_TOKEN=[token]; go run .
Nil Bot exposes Prometheus counters on
If you have Prometheus and Grafana running in your Kubernetes cluster you can add
gauge on a dashboard. The value of gauge is
one when Nil Bot is connected to Slack, and zero otherwise.