
Smart Table Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

smARtable: a smart table project


  • flask
  • semantics3


run python app.py run sh calibrate_window run python3 calibration.py Click the points as they appear on the screen in the correct order: 0 to 3. Press f to refresh the picture. Press 'q' to cancel. Homography results will be saved in the pickle file specified in settings.json.


webcam_display.py This is a simple script to test out camera pixel width/height settings. It also shows allows you to experiment with which input port the camera is on. After finding a good result, you can update the settings.json file.


camera_api.py This contains a camera class that can locate where images are with some model. It can then use the homography to map it to the correct place on the screen.


information_class.py Used to take a topic/item and grab pertinent information. This will then be used by some sort of drawing protocall to place information in a good location.


app.py This needs to run before anything else. It launches the Flask server.

Fullscreen mode press CMD+CTL+f to toggle between full screen on chrome