
Hackathon Applitools

Primary LanguageHTML



This project contains the comparison of traditional and Visual AI automation


The scripts are implemented in Selenium Cucumber BDD construct.


  1. features - Contains two feature files, Traditional.feature & VisualAI.feature
  2. Pageobjects - pageobjects of demo app
  3. Stepdefinitions - implementation of scenario defined in feature file
  4. TestRunner -scenario execution using TestNG
  5. Utils - Common functions

API KEY Environmental Variable

Create a Environemental varaible "API_KEY" and place the api key as value

Command-line Instructions


Install the latest version of Java and Maven.

Set the environment variable for Maven & Java_Home

git clone <repo link>

Navigate to project directory

Compile and run

mvn clean
mvn install
mvn -Dtest=TestRunner test

Note: it will execute the all the scenario in feature file

Eclipse Instructions


Install Eclipse, the Maven plugin, and optionally the GitHub plugin.

git clone <repo link>

import project to Eclipse

Right-click on TestRunner.java under applitools.testrunner package

Run As > TestNG test