
This is a simple Chat Project using Socket.IO

Primary LanguageHTML


Visual Studio Code (or editor of your choice)

How to use this Repository?

Step 1: Clone the repository
Step 2: cd to the cloned directory
Step 3: run the command npm i
Step 4: run the command npm run prod
Step 5: Open two windows with http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Step 6: Nothing else, enjoy the app

Next Steps in the Project

  1. Add a initial screen with User Name and Initial Message
  2. Display the messages with the User Name
  3. Add MongoDB as a database to store the chat messages for persistence.
  4. Clear/ Delete all the messages
  5. Limit the number of messages to display
  6. Broadcast a message to connected users when someone connects or disconnects
  7. Add “{user} is typing” functionality
  8. Show who’s online
  9. Add private messaging with chat rooms
  10. More to come...