
Ruby gem for creating SEPA XML files

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby gem for creating SEPA XML files

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We love building payment applications! So after developing the DTAUS library for Ruby we move on with SEPA.


This gem implements the following two messages out of the ISO 20022 standard:

  • Credit Transfer Initiation (pain.001.003.03 and pain.001.002.03)
  • Direct Debit Initiation (pain.008.003.02 and pain.008.002.02)

This means it handles the "Specification of Data Formats" in version 2.6 (2012-11-17) and version 2.7 (2013-11-04)

BTW: pain is a shortcut for Payment Initiation.


  • Ruby 1.9.3 or newer


gem install sepa_king


How to create the XML for Direct Debit Initiation (in German: "Lastschriften")

# First: Create the main object
sdd = SEPA::DirectDebit.new(
  # Name of the initiating party and creditor, in German: "Auftraggeber"
  # String, max. 70 char
  name:       'Gläubiger GmbH',

  # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the creditor
  # String, 8 or 11 char
  bic:        'BANKDEFFXXX',

  # International Bank Account Number of the creditor
  # String, max. 34 chars
  iban:       'DE87200500001234567890',

  # Creditor Identifier, in German: Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer
  # String, max. 35 chars
  creditor_identifier: 'DE98ZZZ09999999999'

# Second: Add transactions
  # Name of the debtor, in German: "Zahlungspflichtiger"
  # String, max. 70 char
  name:                      'Zahlemann & Söhne GbR',

  # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the debtor's account
  # String, 8 or 11 char
  bic:                       'SPUEDE2UXXX',

  # International Bank Account Number of the debtor's account
  # String, max. 34 chars
  iban:                      'DE21500500009876543210',

  # Amount in EUR
  # Number with two decimal digit
  amount:                    39.99,

  # OPTIONAL: End-To-End-Identification, will be submitted to the debtor
  # String, max. 35 char
  reference:                 'XYZ/2013-08-ABO/6789',

  # OPTIONAL: Unstructured remittance information, in German "Verwendungszweck"
  # String, max. 140 char
  remittance_information:    'Vielen Dank für Ihren Einkauf!',

  # Mandate identifikation, in German "Mandatsreferenz"
  # String, max. 35 char
  mandate_id:                'K-02-2011-12345',

  # Mandate Date of signature, in German "Datum, zu dem das Mandat unterschrieben wurde"
  # Date
  mandate_date_of_signature: Date.new(2011,1,25),

  # Local instrument, in German "Lastschriftart"
  # One of these strings:
  #   'CORE' ("Basis-Lastschrift")
  #   'COR1' ("Basis-Lastschrift mit verkürzter Vorlagefrist")
  #   'B2B' ("Firmen-Lastschrift")
  local_instrument: 'CORE',

  # Sequence type
  # One of these strings:
  #   'FRST' ("Erst-Lastschrift")
  #   'RCUR' ("Folge-Lastschrift")
  #   'OOFF' ("Einmalige Lastschrift")
  #   'FNAL' ("Letztmalige Lastschrift")
  sequence_type: 'OOFF',

  # OPTIONAL: Requested collection date, in German "Fälligkeitsdatum der Lastschrift"
  # Date
  requested_date: Date.new(2013,9,5),

  # OPTIONAL: Enables or disables batch booking, in German "Sammelbuchung / Einzelbuchung"
  # True or False
  batch_booking: true

  # OPTIONAL: Use a different creditor account
  # CreditorAccount
  creditor_account: SEPA::CreditorAccount.new(
    name:                'Creditor Inc.',
    bic:                 'RABONL2U',
    iban:                'NL08RABO0135742099',
    creditor_identifier: 'NL53ZZZ091734220000'
sdd.add_transaction ...

# Last: create XML string
xml_string = sdd.to_xml # Use latest schema pain.008.003.02
xml_string = sdd.to_xml('pain.008.002.02') # Use former schema pain.008.002.02

How to create the XML for Credit Transfer Initiation (in German: "Überweisungen")

# First: Create the main object
sct = SEPA::CreditTransfer.new(
  # Name of the initiating party and debtor, in German: "Auftraggeber"
  # String, max. 70 char
  name: 'Schuldner GmbH',

  # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the debtor
  # String, 8 or 11 char
  bic:  'BANKDEFFXXX',

  # International Bank Account Number of the debtor
  # String, max. 34 chars
  iban: 'DE87200500001234567890'

# Second: Add transactions
  # Name of the creditor, in German: "Zahlungsempfänger"
  # String, max. 70 char
  name:                   'Telekomiker AG',

  # OPTIONAL: Business Identifier Code (SWIFT-Code) of the creditor's account
  # String, 8 or 11 char
  bic:                    'PBNKDEFF370',

  # International Bank Account Number of the creditor's account
  # String, max. 34 chars
  iban:                   'DE37112589611964645802',

  # Amount in EUR
  # Number with two decimal digit
  amount:                 102.50,

  # OPTIONAL: End-To-End-Identification, will be submitted to the creditor
  # String, max. 35 char
  reference:              'XYZ-1234/123',

  # OPTIONAL: Unstructured remittance information, in German "Verwendungszweck"
  # String, max. 140 char
  remittance_information: 'Rechnung vom 22.08.2013'

  # OPTIONAL: Requested execution date, in German "Ausführungstermin"
  # Date
  requested_date: Date.new(2013,9,5),

  # OPTIONAL: Enables or disables batch booking, in German "Sammelbuchung / Einzelbuchung"
  # True or False
  batch_booking: true,

  # OPTIONAL: Urgent Payment
  # One of these strings:
  #   'SEPA' ("SEPA-Zahlung")
  #   'URGP' ("Taggleiche Eilüberweisung")
  service_level: 'URGP'
sct.add_transaction ...

# Last: create XML string
xml_string = sct.to_xml # Use latest schema pain.001.003.03
xml_string = sct.to_xml('pain.001.002.03') # Use former schema pain.001.002.03


You can rely on our internal validations, raising errors when needed, during message creation. To validate your models holding SEPA related information (e.g. BIC, IBAN, mandate_id) you can use our validator classes or rely on some constants.


class BankAccount < ActiveRecord::Base
  # IBAN validation, by default it validates the attribute named "iban"
  validates_with SEPA::IBANValidator, field_name: :iban_the_terrible

  # BIC validation, by default it validates the attribute named "bic"
  validates_with SEPA::BICValidator, field_name: :bank_bic

class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_inclusion_of :sepa_sequence_type, in: SEPA::DirectDebitTransaction::SEQUENCE_TYPES

  # Mandate ID validation, by default it validates the attribute named "mandate_id"
  validates_with SEPA::MandateIdentifierValidator, field_name: :mandate_id

Also see:







Released under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2013 Georg Leciejewski (SalesKing), Georg Ledermann (https://github.com/ledermann)