
Test Project of a usual BankApp including such functionality like : transfer money, display the history of Money transfers, sorting the history and few more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bankist App

Demo: https://bankist-app-tawny.vercel.app/

This web Application is focused on simulating an usual BankApp. There are various functionality acrive like : transfer money, display the history of Money transfers, sorting the history and few more. To access 2 test accounts use this data :

Login Password
js 1111
jd 2222

Except providing functionality to the App, there are some teoretical topics covered in this project like :

  1. Converting and Checking Numbers
  2. Math and Rounding
  3. The Remainder Operator
  4. Numeric Separators
  5. Working with Bigint
  6. Creating Dates
  7. Adding Dates to App
  8. Operations with Dates
  9. Intl
  10. Timers: setTimeout and setInterval