Weather App

Getting Started

Copy over .env.example to .env and fill out the api key details.

Install dependencies npm install (or even better bun install 😉)

From there npm run dev to start the application.


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Whats inside

  • (of course)
  • Tyepscript (absolute must)
  • Material Design
  • Material Icons
  • TailwindCSS (I'm not familiar enough with Materials' own styling solution as of yet, however I used their components where I felt necessary)
  • Prisma for a DB to store the favourites
  • Session storage for auth
  • Weather API to get the weather details.
  • remix-validated-form for typesafe form submission and parsing
  • zod for parsing the api requests
  • @epic-web/remember for it's easy to implement singleton pattern

I would love to talk about a bunch of ideas for optimizations I had, that I didn't have time to implement but given more time there are lots of interesting approaches that could be taken to do so,