Live SQLite3 database master-slave replication with sqlite3-rdiff using rsync over SSH
The program replicates a local (master) SQLite3 database to a remote one (slave) in bandwith-effective manner.
On both local and remote sides:
- sqlite3-rdiff (and its dependencies)
- rsync
Place the program on the master
side. Create from the sample and tune your own configuration file:
> cp sqlite3-sync.conf.sample sqlite3-sync.conf
You will also need to create cache
directories on both sides and configure passwordless SSH login.
Directory layouts example:
Local master:
├── cache/
├── action*
├── sqlite3-sync*
└── sqlite3-sync.conf
Remote slave:
└── cache/
You are on the local host (master):
- generate the host keys with the default key file path and an empty passphrase:
> ssh-keygen
- copy the public keys to a remote host's
> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [-p port]
Configuration example:
> ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/username/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| |
| o |
| + . |
| . o.o |
| o B.+oS |
| . BoO +oo |
|..+o*o=oo.. |
|+B =Eo+o. |
|Xo=+..=+. |
> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ -p 22222
Password for
To start replication run the sqlite3-sync
Size of a signature file created by the sqlite3-rdiff utility is about 2.6%
of the slave database size. Rsync in conjunction with signature and delta files caching further reduces the transferring data volume. Total data amount transferred on the wire in both directions is about 0.6%
of the slave database size.
Master database sizes:
> find /var/db/rspamd \( -name '*am.sqlite' -or -name '*.db' \) -exec du -shc {} +
119M /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite
17M /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db
105M /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite
-240M total
Slave database sizes:
> find /var/db/rspamd \( -name '*am.sqlite' -or -name '*.db' \) -exec du -shc {} +
16M /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db
114M /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite
101M /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite
-232M total
> ./sqlite3-sync
[ ---- Slave ---- ] Creating signatures ...
signature /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite bayes.ham.sqlite.sign --table-name % --rows-per-hash 18
=1 tokenizer
=1 users
=1 languages
=135764 tokens
signature /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite bayes.spam.sqlite.sign --table-name % --rows-per-hash 18
=1 tokenizer
=1 users
=1 languages
=109859 tokens
signature /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db fuzzy.db.sign --table-name % --rows-per-hash 18
=1385 digests
=14736 shingles
=1 sources
[ Master <- Slave ] Downloading signatures ...
receiving incremental file list
- 3,301,376 100% 2.79MB/s 0:00:01 (xfr#1, to-chk=2/3)
- 2,674,688 100% 301.76kB/s 0:00:08 (xfr#2, to-chk=1/3)
- 401,408 100% 515.11kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#3, to-chk=0/3)
+sent 24,291 bytes received 1,303,001 bytes 115,416.70 bytes/sec
-total size is 6,377,472 speedup is 4.80
[ --- Master --- ] Creating deltas ...
delta bayes.ham.sqlite.sign /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite --table-name %
-0 +0 tokenizer
-0 +0 users
-1 +3 languages
-1323 +28150 tokens
delta bayes.spam.sqlite.sign /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite --table-name %
-0 +0 tokenizer
-0 +0 users
-1 +4 languages
-1146 +25352 tokens
delta fuzzy.db.sign /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db --table-name %
-6 +220 digests
-174 +4728 shingles
-1 +1 sources
[ Master -> Slave ] Uploading deltas ...
sending incremental file list
- 835,584 100% 312.09kB/s 0:00:02 (xfr#1, to-chk=2/3)
- 749,568 100% 205.50kB/s 0:00:03 (xfr#2, to-chk=1/3)
- 172,032 100% 166.34kB/s 0:00:01 (xfr#3, to-chk=0/3)
+sent 886,811 bytes received 3,247 bytes 104,712.71 bytes/sec
-total size is 1,757,184 speedup is 1.97
[ ---- Slave ---- ] Patching databases ...
patch /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite /var/db/rspamd/bayes.ham.sqlite --table-name % --multimaster 0
-0 +0 tokenizer (0 triggers disabled)
-0 +0 users (0 triggers disabled)
-1 +3 languages (0 triggers disabled)
-1323 +28150 tokens (0 triggers disabled)
patch /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite /var/db/rspamd/bayes.spam.sqlite --table-name % --multimaster 0
-0 +0 tokenizer (0 triggers disabled)
-0 +0 users (0 triggers disabled)
-1 +4 languages (0 triggers disabled)
-1146 +25352 tokens (0 triggers disabled)
patch /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db /var/db/rspamd/fuzzy.db --table-name % --multimaster 0
-6 +220 digests (0 triggers disabled)
-174 +4728 shingles (0 triggers disabled)
-1 +1 sources (0 triggers disabled)