
Arguments parser with class for Python, inspired by StructOpt

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to ClassOpt 👋

Version License: MIT Twitter: moisutsu

Arguments parser with class for Python, inspired by StructOpt


pip install classopt


Import classopt and define the Opt class with decorator.

from classopt import classopt

class Opt:
    file: str
    count: int = 3
    numbers: list[int]
    flag: bool

if __name__ == "__main__":
    opt = Opt.from_args()

Run with command line arguments.

$ python example.py --file example.txt --numbers 1 2 3 --flag
Opt(file='example.txt', count=3, numbers=[1, 2, 3], flag=True)

You can specify most of the arguments to argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument in config (except name_or_flags).

from classopt import classopt, config

class Opt:
    file: str
    count: int = config(long=True)
    numbers: list = config(long=True, short=True, nargs="+", type=int)
    flag: bool = config(long=True, action="store_false")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    opt = Opt.from_args()
$ python example.py example.txt --count 5 -n 1 2 3 --flag
Opt(file='example.txt', count=5, numbers=[1, 2, 3], flag=False)

Some details

# `default_long=True` is equivalent to `config(long=True)' for all members
# Similarly, you can do `default_short=True`
class Opt:
    # `long=False` overrides `default_long=True`
    file: str = config(long=False)

    # equivalent to `numbers: list = config(nargs="*", type=int)`
    # and `numbers: typing.List[int]`
    numbers: list[int]

    # equivalent to `flag: bool = config(action="store_true")`
    flag: bool

Other Way

You can also define an argument parser by inheriting from ClassOpt.

from classopt import ClassOpt, config

class Opt(ClassOpt):
    file: str
    count: int = config(long=True)
    numbers: list[int] = config(long=True, short="-c")
    flag: bool = config(long=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    opt = Opt.from_args()

Run with command line arguments.

$ python example.py example.txt --count 5 -c 1 2 3 --flag
Opt(file='example.txt', count=5, numbers=[1, 2, 3], flag=True)

The inherited method does not support some features and may disappear in the future. So we recommend the decorator method.

Run tests

poetry run pytest


👤 moisutsu

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📝 License

Copyright © 2021 moisutsu.
This project is MIT licensed.

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