
**DEPRECATED** See https://github.com/moj-analytical-services/user-guidance

Primary LanguageHTML

Platform User Guidance


View the user guidance here: https://moj-analytical-services.github.io/platform_user_guidance/

To update

Make changes to ##-chapter.Rmd files in a branch and pull request into master to publish.

CI – each commit is checked by CircleCI automatically rendering the bookdown.

CD – commits to the master branch are deployed by CircleCI, by pushing the rendered book to the gh-pages branch, which is what is displayed at https://moj-analytical-services.github.io/platform_user_guidance/.

To render the guidance locally

In R, run:

bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', 'bookdown::gitbook')

or from shell/terminal make (requires GNU Make):

Rendered bookdown content will be in /docs/