
Instantly make your web folder of images an online gallery.

Primary LanguagePHP


Quick Gallery now has a community forum open to everyone. https://www.pilabs.io/forum/


Quick Gallery allows you to upload image folders to make an online gallery with support for multiple image galleries.

Supports by default: png, jpg, jpeg, and gif but you are able to extend this by modifying line 53:

$allowed_types = array('png','jpg','jpeg','gif');


Quick Gallery


  1. Download index.php and thumb.php
  2. Upload to a folder accessible by the internet (e.g. A folder called "gallery")
  3. Upload image albums to their own folder.
  4. Profit???

To enable caching, create a folder in the root of your gallery folder called "cache" and it give it 777 permissions.

File Tree Example

├── cache
├── index.php
├── simcity
│   ├── Spark_2013-03-18_15-12-33.png
│   ├── Spark_2013-03-18_15-25-06.png
│   ├── Spark_2013-03-18_15-25-18.png
│   ├── Spark_2013-03-18_15-25-35.png
│   ├── Spark_2013-03-18_15-25-50.png
├── team fortress 2
│   ├── 2011-02-24_00001.jpg
│   ├── 2011-05-09_00001.jpg
│   ├── 2011-05-09_00002.jpg
├── thumb.php


  • PHP + PHP GD
  • Web Server