
Fork of the PircBot based IRC Werewolf Game

Primary LanguageJava

This is a fork of the Werewolf IRC Game found @ http://javatwg.sourceforge.net/

This version includes the following bug and game play fixes:
* Requires only 4 players to play.
* Will always start with a night rather than a voting day.
* Fixed the 'can't vote/kill/see' bug that was caused by improper extra spaces removal.
* The Bot will now show who the other wolf chose as a victem to his/her brother wolf in a two werewolve game rather than the cryptic 'PLAYER2'.

That's pretty much it for now.

I included my start script for Unix based servers named run.sh and you can also modify the code of the bot in src and compile and install it with compile.sh

Happy Hunting!