
A simple CLI to manage and use multiple emacs configurations

Primary LanguageGo

emacscfg - A simple CLI to manage and use multiple emacs configurations


  • listing all managed configurations
  • adding a managed configuration by name
  • removing a managed configuration by name
  • setting the active managed configuration by name
  • switching between managed configurations by name
  • getting the path of a managed configuration
  • starting emacs with the default or named configuration


  • emacs 29.1 or later
  • git (optional, required if you want to clone a configuration from a git repository URL)


go install github.com/mojochao/emacscfg@latest


Display help information on all commands and options with the help subcommand:

$ emacscfg help
   emacscfg - Manage multiple emacs configuration profiles

   emacscfg [global options] command [command options] 

   state         Display application state
   context, ctx  Get or set the active configuration context in application state
   list, ls      Display table of all configurations in application state
   add           Add a new configuration to application state
   remove, rm    Remove a configuration from application state
   path, dir     Print the path of the configuration directory
   open          Open files in emacs with the desired configuration
   version       Print the version of the application
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --app-dir value  Specify application directory (default: "~/.config/emacscfg") [$EMACSCFG_DIR]
   --dry-run        Display the command that would be executed, but do not execute it (default: false)
   --verbose, -v    Display verbose output (default: false)
   --help, -h       show help

The help subcommand can also be used to display help information for a specific subcommand:

$ emacscfg add help

List all managed configurations with the list subcommand:

$ emacscfg list

Add a managed configuration with the add subcommand:

$ emacscfg add my-config /path/to/my/emacs-config

If you pass a URL as the configuration path, the add subcommand will clone the repository to the application repositories cache directory and set the configuration path to the location of the cloned repository.

$ emacscfg add my-de https://github.com/mojochao/myde.el

Remove a managed configuration with the remove subcommand:

$ emacscfg remove my-config

Get the active managed configuration context with the context subcommand:

$ emacscfg context

Set the active managed configuration context with a configuration name argument:

$ emacscfg context my-config

Get the path of the active managed configuration context with the path subcommand:

$ emacscfg path

Get the path of any managed configuration by adding the --context flag:

$ emacscfg path --context my-config

Open emacs with the active managed configuration with the open subcommand:

$ emacscfg open my-file-1 my-file-2

Edit files in emacs with any managed configuration by adding the --context flag:

$ emacscfg open --context my-config my-file-1 my-file-2

That's all folks!