
A reusable Terraform module provisioning an on-premise https://readthedocs.org/ service on AWS.

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readthedocs service stack terraform module

This module contains the Terraform configuration for a Read the Docs service stack cluster running on AWS infrastructure. It is composed of alarm, db and web submodules, and builds the following AWS resources:

  • an SNS alarm topic
  • a DNS CNAME record for the domain
  • an SSL cert for the domain
  • a Debian 9 EC2 instance for web service
  • a PostgreSQL 10 RDS instance for database service
  • security groups for web and database access
  • cloud watch alarms for system health


This module uses the aws cli when provisioning alerts. Ensure that it is installed and available in your $PATH.


Create a module resource with this repository as its source:

module "production" {
  source           = "git::ssh://github.com/mojochao/readthedocs-aws-tf-module.git?ref=1.0.0"
  providers        = {
    aws            = { ... }

  alerts_email     = "readthedocs-alerts@mydomain.com"
  domain_name      = "readthedocs.mydomain.com"
  environment      = "production"
  hosting_zone     = "com.mydomain."
  subnet           = "subnet-deadbeef"
  tags             = { ... }
  vpc              = "vpc-deadbeef"

In the example above, only the minimal required inputs are shown. Readthedocs service environments may be further customized with the inputs shown below.


This module provides the following inputs, which are forwarded to its alarm, db and web sub-modules.

Name Description Type Default
alerts_email Email address to send CloudWatch alerts to string -
domain_name Domain name string -
environment Environment name string -
hosting_zone Hosting zone name string -
pg_dbname AWS DB instance database name string "readthedocs"
pg_instance_type AWS DB instance type string "db.m4.large"
pg_storage_size_gb AWS DB instance database size in GB integer 25
pg_password AWS DB instance password string -
pg_username AWS DB instance username string -
pg_version PostgreSQL version string "10"
region AWS region name string "us-west-2"
ssh_key AWS SSH key name string -
ssl_policy AWS ssl policy name string "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01"
subnet AWS subnet id string -
tags AWS resource tags map -
vpc AWS VPC id string -
web_instance_ami AWS Debian AMI to use string "ami-0574f98a32ba41dd7"
web_instance_type AWS EC2 instance type string "m5.large"
web_num_workers Number of gunicorn workers to use. integer 4
web_volume_size_gb Data volume size in gigabytes integer 25

The default AMI used is a Debian 9 AMI for the default us-west-2 region. See https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Stretch for more details.


This module itself provides no outputs, however, its alarm, db and web sub-modules do.