
Size of code package exceeds Lambda's 250MB limit

mhiley opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @mojodna ,

I tried to deploy a small change to our instance of marblecutter-virtual, and am now receiving an error from Lambda indicating that the uncompressed code package exceeds the limit of 250MB. The deploy has worked fine in the past, so I'm not sure exactly what changed to cause this.

It looks like the 3 largest dependencies are:
rasterio (127MB)
numpy (73MB)
botocore (38MB)
.. and the remainder of the packages cause the whole thing to just exceed the limit, about 258MB.

Before I dive into this much more - would you be able to try running a build/deploy and confirm whether you are also experiencing this issue?

I do have the exact same issue.
Help would be really appreciated.

For a similarly scoped project with the same dependencies (, we are using Zappa for deployment and you have a good deal of handles on the file size there - e.g. excluding packages that are already on AWS or activating slim_handler. We are actually using Zappa a lot and it is really easy to set up.

This might provide at least a near-term solution to the problem:

@mojodna Can you provide a bit of guidance on upgrading to to rasterio 1.0.26? Is it as simple as setting the version in requirements.txt? I should have time to take a shot at this in the near future.

@mhiley yup, that should be everything. That's exactly what I was planning on trying. There are other ways to slim things down, but the wins are tiny.

Oh, botocore may be able to be omitted--I seem to remember that it's part of the runtime. Thanks for taking a look!

@mojodna @moamenet I believe this issue is resolved now. Currently the rasterio version requirement is:

rasterio[s3] ~= 1.0

When I opened this issue in July, that resulted in Rasterio 1.0.24, which resulted in a final uncompressed code package size of 258MB.

Now when I do the sam build step, it'll use the newer rasterio (1.0.28) and the final code package size is back down to 182MB (rasterio dependency is only 51MB now), which deploys to Lambda successfully.

In other words, things are working again, and I don't believe any PR is needed.
