- 3
Tiles colors wrong when COG is not Byte
#20 opened by Zaitsev - 4
Docker build fails
#16 opened by olivierdalang - 2
- 1
Same file doesn't work on non-s3 host
#17 opened by olivierdalang - 7
Size of code package exceeds Lambda's 250MB limit
#13 opened by mhiley - 2
cached filename used after network errors
#12 opened by Zaitsev - 0
- 8
How to build and deploy without docker?
#10 opened by donnyv - 2
Issue with current docker-compose
#9 opened by bmulcahy - 10
Unzipped file too large for Lambda
#8 opened by ebrelsford - 0
Only render tiled GeoTIFFs
#7 opened by mojodna - 2
Error when COGs are served from the same hostname of marble server through docker-compose
#5 opened by francbartoli - 2