Important: 💻 This exercise is interactive!
Please follow the instructions.
Most developers today are required not only to write code, but they also need to write code to test their own code 😱, yes.. really.
Today we are going to be using the jest framework to create our first tests.
this repository to be able to save and commit your changes later.- Press the like button if you like it!
- Pick one of these two steps depending on your installation type:
A. If you are using gitpod you can start this project by clicking here.
B. If you are working locally follow this steps:
- Download learnpack globally (if you don't have it already):
$ npm i learnpack -g
- Download this learning package using learnpack:
$ learnpack install unit-test-with-jest
- Get into the exercise folder:
$ cd exercise-unit-test-with-jest
- Start the exercise:
$ learnpack start
We are going to be using the Jest library to build a program capable of converting numeric values from one currency to another:
Function name | Description |
fromDollarToYen | Receives a dollar amount and returns equivalent amount in Japan YEN |
fromEuroToDollar | Receives a Euro amount and returns equivalent amount in US Dollar |
fromYanToPound | Reveives a Yan amount and equivalent amount in England Pound |