
Python Video Streaming microervice | supports HLS, MPEG-DASH and HLS with fmp4 segments (CMAF), this project uses gRPC protocol for communication and S3-compatible object storage. The multi-stage dockerfile of project uses Python3.9.2 and FFmpeg4.1

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python video streaming microservice, allows you to change the number of qualities or formats, to reduce processing and storage space costs.

For example, instead of building both HLS and MPEG-DASH playlists, you can build a HLS with fmp4, that similar to MPEG-DASH, which reduces costs by 50%.

The multi-stage dockerfile of the project uses Python3.9.2 and FFmpeg 4.1 that supports fmp4 HLS segment type.


  • Supports multi outputs with custom encode formats, codecs and qualities
  • Supports HLS, MPEG-DASH and HLS with fmp4 segments (CMAF)
  • Supports any S3-compatible object storage like Minio object storage
  • Supports gRPC protocol for low latency and high throughput communication
  • No use of web frameworks to avoid unnecessary abstractions and dependencies
  • Supports tracking of outputs status and returns progress details of each input or output, including checking, processing and uploading progress
  • Supports force stop a list of jobs, to kill processes and delete all local files of every job. or revoke one output of a job
  • All tasks are separate to manage and retry each part again in some exceptions
  • Supports webhook callback when all outputs uploaded
  • Returns input video file details to client (using FFprobe), before video processing starting. ( client can use this information to show to the end user)
  • Returns CPU and memory usage with spent time of every output for the financial purposes when a video is being processed to create a playlist
  • Supports to generate different thumbnails from the input video by list of times, to choose one of them by user as a player poster or other purpose such as screenshots for demo
  • Supports to add watermark


  • adding optional argument to mapping playlist qualities to different video files
  • adding gRPC client sample and test cases
  • update document


1. Requirements

  • a Redis service ( to cache result and as a backend for celery )
  • a message broker ( e.g. RabbitMQ or Redis )
  • an S3-compatible object storage ( e.g. Minio )

if you have not already, a Redis, a broker and an S3 object storage, you can clone these repositories:

up workflow


2. Setup video service project environments

You should create an .env file at video-streaming/video_streaming . There is a sample of required environments that you can use it:

cp video-streaming/video_streaming/.env.local video-streaming/video_streaming/.env

The project uses python-decouple package, you can add other variables and cast them in settings.py. or anywhere in project using RepositoryEnv class

1 CELERY_BROKER_URL Celery needs a message broker url, e.g. RabbitMQ url
2 CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND To keep track of Celery tasks results, e.g. Redis url
9 S3_IS_SECURE Default is False but note that not all services support non-ssl connections.
10 S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET Default bucket name
11 S3_DEFAULT_INPUT_BUCKET_NAME Default bucket name of S3 storage to download videos
12 S3_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BUCKET_NAME Default bucket name of S3 storage to upload videos
20 TMP_DOWNLOADED_DIR Directory for temporary downloaded videos (should be volume on compose file)
21 TMP_TRANSCODED_DIR Directory for temporary transcoded videos (should be volume on compose file)
25 REDIS_URL Redis url

3. Generate Certificates to use by gRPC


4. Config circus

This project uses circusd, to manage processes,

.circus.ini file is git ignored, you need have a .circus.ini at .docker-compose/video-streaming/circus/ directory.

for local development you can use the sample by following command:

cp .docker-compose/video-streaming/circus/circus.local.ini .docker-compose/video-streaming/circus/circus.ini

there are some variables in the [env] section:

  • WORKING_DIR: The path on the container that main module is located.
  • MODULE_NAME: The name of main module of project.
  • CELERY_APP: The name of celery instance in the main module.
  • BIN_PATH: Python installed at /usr/local/bin/ in the Python Docker Official Image.
  • GRPC_PORT: The gRPC port, if you change it, make sure it's exposed on your network.

after any change in .circus.ini you need to build image again.

5. Docker composes

in the first time, before up using docker-compose.join.* files, create external networks by build Redis, RabbitMQ and Minio projects.

Compose file Description
1 docker-compose.yml includes video-streaming service that has WAIT_FOR environment variable
2 docker-compose.local.yml for local development, maps exposed gRPC port to 8081 as your host port
3 docker-compose.join.redis.yml to join the Redis service network as an external network. see : Redis service
4 docker-compose.join.rabbitmq.yml to join the RabbitMQ service network as an external network. see : RabbitMQ service
5 docker-compose.join.minio.yml to join the Minio service network as an external network. see : Minio service

there are some sh scripts in the root directory of this repository, that you can use them:

  • Services are built once
    bash ./build.sh
  • Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
    bash ./up.sh
  • like up.sh but for local development, if you are not using a reverse proxy, you can use up.local.sh that maps exposed grpc port to 8081 as your host port
    bash ./up.local.sh
  • Shows services states
    bash ./ps.sh
  • Displays log output from services.
    bash ./logs.sh
  • To get an interactive prompt in video-streaming service
    bash ./exec.sh
  • Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up.
    bash ./down.sh

6. Generate gRPC modules

generated grpc modules are added to .gitignore, to generate them again, you can use the following command:

bash ./exec.codegen.sh

it runs generate_grpc_codes.sh inside video-streaming container that also will change import statement to fix ModuleNotFoundError.

  • after any changes on the gRPC proto file, you need run the script again.


apps located at video-streaming/video_streaming/

1 core base classes and common modules
2 grpc the inclusion root of gRPC
3 ffmpeg video processing tasks using ffmpeg

after create a new app, to discover celery tasks, add the app to AUTO_DISCOVER_TASKS in settings.py.

celery job workflow

celery tasks