Welcome to Burp-to-Commix
As you know, Command Injection is a security vulnerability with critical severity. If you are a hacker you know it as well that it takes a lot of times to find a command injection vulnerability on a target. It will be worse if you are a penetration tester. You must check this vulnerability on all of target URLs by intercepting packets using Burp Suit or other tools and in big Portals it’s not easy.
I have good news for hackers and pen testers. I made it easier by my new python script. The only thing you should do, is exporting your packets as a burp suit state file. The rest of steps will done by my script. I called me script “Burp-TO-Commix” and I will explain the test process from the beginning.
You can find the latest version of commix in the repository below https://github.com/commixproject/commix
Usage: ./burp2commix.py [options]
Options: -f, --file
Options: -o, --outputdirectory
Options: -s, --commixpath
Options: -c, --switch commix
Example: python burp2commix.py -f [BURP-STATE-FILE] -o [OUTPUT-DIRECTORY] -s [SQLMap-Path] -c ["Commix-Switch"]
python burp2commix.py -s "./" -f "./in-file" -o "./out-file" -c " --proxy= --cookie= --batch"
How to Create Request/Response File in BurpSuite
Select Your Request
Create Request/Response File
Right Clicke one one of these selected requests
Create Request/Response File
Uncheck Base64 Option and create your requests/responses file
Create Request/Response File