
Web scraping project for retrieving movie information from IMDb's top-rated list, storing it in a database, and providing REST API endpoints. Written in Python with BeautifulSoup, Requests, Matplotlib, Flask, pymysql, and configparser.

Primary LanguagePython

IMDb Scraper Project


The IMDb Scraper Project is a Python application designed to scrape movie data from IMDb's top-rated movies list and store it in various formats such as CSV, JSON, and a MySQL database. It provides functionalities to retrieve movie details, search for movies, and analyze rating distributions.


To install the required dependencies for this project, run the following command in your terminal:

pip install -r utilities/requirements.txt

The requirements.txt file includes the following dependencies:

  • beautifulsoup4==4.12.3
  • requests==2.31.0
  • matplotlib==3.8.3
  • lxml==5.1.0
  • flask==3.0.2
  • pymysql==1.1.0
  • configparser==6.0.1

Ensure you have Python and pip installed on your system before running the installation command.


To use the IMDb Scraper Project, you have a couple of options:

  1. Run the Main Script:

You can execute the main.py script situated in the project's root directory. This script initializes the MovieManager and offers functionalities to handle movie data.

python main.py
  1. Run the REST API Endpoints:

If you prefer to interact with the project via REST API, you can run the MovieController.py script located in the controllers folder. This will activate the REST API endpoints, allowing you to perform operations such as retrieving movie information, searching for movies, and obtaining movie counts.

python controllers/MovieController.py

Files and Directories

  • models/: Contains the Python class definitions for the Movie object.
  • services/: Contains the Python modules for scraping movie data from IMDb and managing movies.
  • configurations/: Includes configuration files and database setup.
  • utilities/: Contains utility files such as xpaths.txt and requirements.txt.
  • output/: Directory where the scraped movie data is saved in CSV and JSON formats.
  • controllers/: Contains Flask API controllers for accessing movie data.
  • main.py: Main script to run the movie scraper application.
  • movies_db.sql: SQL script to create the movies table in the MySQL database.
  • README.md: This file provides an overview of the project and instructions for installation and usage.


I welcome contributions and collaboration on the IMDb Scraper Project. Here are a few ways you can contribute:

  • Code Contributions: If you find any bugs or issues, feel free to open a GitHub issue or submit a pull request with your fixes or enhancements.
  • Feature Requests: If you have any ideas for new features or improvements, please share them by opening a GitHub issue.
  • Documentation Improvements: Help improve the project's documentation by suggesting edits, clarifications, or additional examples.
  • Spread the Word: Share the project with others who might find it useful, and consider giving it a star on GitHub to show your support.

Let's collaborate and make the IMDb Scraper Project even better!