
Deploy Serverless CMS using Netlify


Deploy Serverless CMS using Netlify

This is the repo that uses HUGO to deploy static html files that are hosted on https://github.com/mokdarren/mokdarren.github.io

How to update:

  1. git clone https://github.com/mokdarren/netlifysite.git : clone repo containing hugo files
  2. git submodule init : initialise submodules (themes)
  3. git submodule update : update submodules
  4. hugo server -w : deploy html files locally
  5. perform changes in .md files
  6. hugo -d ../mokdarren.github.io/ deploy html to other file
  7. cd ../mokdarren.github.io
  8. git add .
  9. git push origin master push changes to github repo hosting site