
Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service (DOKS) and ArgoCD example

Primary LanguageShell

ArgoCD ApplicationSet

This example uses ArgoCD ApplicationSet in a hub & spoke architecture. A central cluster that "pushes" changes out to spoke clusters. This is a bit more advanced than the typical ArgoCD tutorial, I recommend working through some of the more basic examples before tackling this more advanced scenario

The 3 clusters are Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service (DOKS) but any Kubernetes cluster should work well. Amsterdam is my central hub while Toronto and Bangalore serve as spoke clusters. ArgoCD ApplicationSet allows you to sync your app to all 3 clusters.

Video of ArgoCD ApplicationSet in action

3 DOKS clusters

brew install doctl
doctl auth init

This will require a token

doctl kubernetes cluster list

Create a place for the 3 KUBECONFIGs. I like keeping my clusters separated via unique KUBECONFIGs

mkdir .kube
export KUBECONFIG=~/xKS/doks-argocd/.kube/config-amsterdam
export KUBECONFIG=~/xKS/doks-argocd/.kube/config-bengaluru
export KUBECONFIG=~/xKS/doks-argocd/.kube/config-toronto
export KUBECONFIG=~/xKS/doks-argocd/.kube/config-newyork

Other important env vars to configure, making sure kubectl and argocd are in the PATH

export KUBE_EDITOR="code -w"
export PATH=~/devnation/bin:$PATH

Create the clusters, I do this in 3 different terminal sessions, to keep the environments nicely separated

doctl kubernetes cluster create amsterdam --region ams3 --node-pool="name=worker-pool;count=3"
doctl kubernetes cluster create bengaluru --region blr1 --node-pool="name=worker-pool;count=3"
doctl kubernetes cluster create toronto --region tor1 --node-pool="name=worker-pool;count=3"
doctl kubernetes cluster create newyork --region nyc1 --node-pool="name=worker-pool;count=3"

The result of an individual cluster creation

Notice: Cluster is provisioning, waiting for cluster to be running
Notice: Cluster created, fetching credentials
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/Users/burr/xKS/doks-argocd/.kube/config-amsterdam"
Notice: Setting current-context to do-ams3-ams3-kubernetes

See that you have 3 clusters up

doctl kubernetes cluster list
ID                                      Name               Region    Version        Auto Upgrade    Status     Node Pools
386abcb0-61f4-4a75-9b69-2a6587ad30b3    toronto    tor1      1.22.7-do.0    false           running    worker-pool
19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43    bengaluru    blr1      1.22.7-do.0    false           running    worker-pool
bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f    amsterdam    ams3      1.22.7-do.0    false           running    worker-pool

Overlay the per cluster $KUBECONFIG files

doctl k8s cluster kubeconfig show amsterdam >> $KUBECONFIG
doctl k8s cluster kubeconfig show bengaluru >> $KUBECONFIG
doctl k8s cluster kubeconfig show toronto >> $KUBECONFIG

Note: doctl does offer an append to KUBECONFIG if you wish

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save toronto

Check all 3 clusters

kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com
CoreDNS is running at https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
Kubernetes control plane is running at https://19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com
CoreDNS is running at https://19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
Kubernetes control plane is running at https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com
CoreDNS is running at https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy

A test deployment

Optional: Deploy a test App on the clusters to see if things are behaving normally

kubectl apply -f mystuff/base/namespace.yaml
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=mystuff
kubectl apply -f mystuff/base/deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f mystuff/base/service.yaml

# wait for external IP
watch kubectl get service

IP=$(kubectl get service myapp -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080
echo $IP
curl $IP

while true
do curl $IP
sleep .3
Aloha from Quarkus! 1 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s
Aloha from Quarkus! 2 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s
Aloha from Quarkus! 3 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s
Aloha from Quarkus! 4 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s
Aloha from Quarkus! 5 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s
Aloha from Quarkus! 6 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-gv28s

Delete mystuff when done testing as apps will be deployed via ArgoCD next

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=default
kubectl delete namespace mystuff

Deploy ArgoCD Hub

Deploy ArgoCD into a single cluster. I am using the AMS cluster.

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/stable/manifests/install.yaml

kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

Wait for the external IP to be populated

watch kubectl get services argocd-server -n argocd
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE
argocd-server   LoadBalancer   80:31504/TCP,443:30637/TCP   3m12

Get the default password and IP address

ARGOCD_PASS=$(kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d)

ARGOCD_IP=$(kubectl -n argocd get service argocd-server -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):80



Open the browser to the correct address

open http://$ARGOCD_IP

Login with "admin" and $ARGOCD_PASS

Also login via the argocd CLI

argocd login --insecure --grpc-web $ARGOCD_IP  --username admin --password $ARGOCD_PASS

Add the Hub cluster to ArgoCD

kubectl config get-contexts -o name
argocd cluster add --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG do-ams3-amsterdam --name amsterdam

Using the correct terminal, the correct $KUBECONFIG, add Spoke 1

kubectl config get-contexts -o name
argocd cluster add --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG do-blr1-bengaluru --name bangalore

Using the correct terminal, the correct $KUBECONFIG, add Spoke 2

kubectl config get-contexts -o name
argocd cluster add --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG do-tor1-toronto --name toronto

Check to see how many clusters you have added

argocd cluster list
SERVER                                                               NAME        VERSION  STATUS   MESSAGE                                              PROJECT
https://19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  bengaluru            Unknown  Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://386abcb0-61f4-4a75-9b69-2a6587ad30b3.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  toronto              Unknown  Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  amsterdam            Unknown  Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://kubernetes.default.svc                                       in-cluster           Unknown  Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
][Console Clusters

On the hub cluster, each imported cluster has a secret. These secrets become important later.

kubectl get secrets -n argocd -l argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type=cluster


kubectl get secrets -n openshift-gitops -l argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type=cluster
NAME                                                                             TYPE     DATA   AGE
cluster-19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com-3225379585   Opaque   3      5m19s
cluster-386abcb0-61f4-4a75-9b69-2a6587ad30b3.k8s.ondigitalocean.com-3865365367   Opaque   3      5m8s
cluster-bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com-4271209868   Opaque   3      6m8s

Deploy an Application (NOT yet ApplicationSet)

Deploy an Application to the hub cluster. This is NOT yet ApplicationSet for multi-cluster

argocd app create myapp-demo --repo https://github.com/burrsutter/doks-argocd.git --path mystuff/base --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace mystuff
argocd app sync myapp-demo
][Console Applications
watch kubectl get services -n mystuff
NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
myapp   LoadBalancer   8080:32185/TCP   3m20s

curl your app

MYIP=$(kubectl -n mystuff get service myapp -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080

while true
do curl $MYIP
sleep .3
Aloha from Quarkus! 1 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-2wqg8
Aloha from Quarkus! 2 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-2wqg8
Aloha from Quarkus! 3 on myapp-76c5cfff4b-2wqg8

Make a change to base/deployment.yaml and make it sync

git commit -am "updated something"
git push
argocd app sync myapp-demo --prune
while true
do curl $MYIP
sleep .3

AlohaX from Quarkus! 1 on myapp-5c8f597d8-j2m6c
AlohaX from Quarkus! 2 on myapp-5c8f597d8-j2m6c

Clean up App

argocd app delete myapp-demo

wait for it to disappear, there should be no Apps

argocd app list

Create an ApplicationSet for N clusters

kubectl apply -f myapplicationset.yaml -n argocd
kubectl get applicationset -n argocd
myapp   5s

Still there should be no Apps, Apps are "generated" later

argocd app list


kubectl get secrets -n argocd -l argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type=cluster

Add the correct magic label

kubectl label secret env=myapptarget -n argocd -l argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type=cluster

This magic label comes from the file myapplicationset.yaml

  - clusters:
          env: myapptarget
kubectl get secrets  -l env=myapptarget -n argocd

The other bit of magic is that the overlay names match the cluster names

├── mystuff
│   ├── base
│   │   ├── deployment.yaml
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   │   ├── namespace.yaml
│   │   └── service.yaml
│   └── overlays
│       ├── amsterdam
│       │   ├── deployment.yaml
│       │   └── kustomization.yaml
│       ├── bangalore
│       │   ├── deployment.yaml
│       │   └── kustomization.yaml
│       └── toronto
│           ├── deployment.yaml
│           └── kustomization.yaml
argocd cluster list
SERVER                                                               NAME        VERSION  STATUS      MESSAGE                                              PROJECT
https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  amsterdam            Unknown     Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://386abcb0-61f4-4a75-9b69-2a6587ad30b3.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  toronto              Unknown     Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  bangalore            Unknown     Cluster has no application and not being monitored.
https://kubernetes.default.svc                                       in-cluster  1.22     Successful
kubectl describe applicationset myapp
argocd app list
NAME             CLUSTER                                                              NAMESPACE  PROJECT  STATUS  HEALTH       SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                                           PATH                        TARGET
amsterdam-myapp  https://bc514ba0-1aa8-4dfd-8c83-dc568163865f.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  mystuff    default  Synced  Progressing  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/burrsutter/doks-argocd.git  mystuff/overlays/amsterdam  main
bangalore-myapp  https://19075b0c-f790-4c67-97cc-315765860d43.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  mystuff    default  Synced  Progressing  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/burrsutter/doks-argocd.git  mystuff/overlays/bangalore  main
toronto-myapp    https://386abcb0-61f4-4a75-9b69-2a6587ad30b3.k8s.ondigitalocean.com  mystuff    default  Synced  Progressing  Auto-Prune  <none>      https://github.com/burrsutter/doks-argocd.git  mystuff/overlays/toronto    main
][3 Apps

On each cluster wait for the external IP address

MYIP=$(kubectl -n mystuff get service myapp -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"):8080

while true
do curl $MYIP
sleep .3
][iTerm2 3 clusters

Rollout an update

To see a rollout, edit overlays/toronto/deployment.yaml, switch between "Hi" and "Bonjour"

You can wait for the 3 minute default polling interval OR you can configure a webhook OR you can just Refresh Hard

][Refresh Hard

Clean Up

Remove the label on the secrets to watch the apps undeploy across the clusters

kubectl label secret env- -n argocd -l argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type=cluster

Remove all clusters, save some money

doctl k8s cluster delete ams3-kubernetes
doctl k8s cluster delete blr1-kubernetes
doctl k8s cluster delete tor1-kubernetes

Remove all load-balancers, those seem to hang around even when clusters are deleted

doctl compute load-balancer list
doctl compute load-balancer delete 1069dd38-35e8-4f6a-a968-408ff86b78c6

ToDo - work on a bash shell script to wait for external IP to populate https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66114851/kubectl-wait-for-service-to-get-external-ip