
chainflipe node sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

apt install ufw -y ufw allow ssh ufw allow https ufw allow http ufw allow 30333 ufw allow 8078 ufw enable

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg

gpg --show-keys /etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg] focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chainflip.list

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y chainflip-cli chainflip-node chainflip-engine

sudo mkdir /etc/chainflip/keys

echo -n "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" | sudo tee /etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file

chainflip-node key generate copy all to notepad


echo -n "${SECRET_SEED:2}" | sudo tee /etc/chainflip/keys/signing_key_file

sudo chainflip-node key generate-node-key --file /etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file

cat /etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file

sudo chmod 600 /etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file sudo chmod 600 /etc/chainflip/keys/signing_key_file sudo chmod 600 /etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file history -c

sudo mkdir -p /etc/chainflip/config sudo nano /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml

Default configurations for the CFE

[node_p2p] node_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file" ip_address="" port = "8078"

[state_chain] ws_endpoint = "ws://" signing_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/signing_key_file"


Ethereum RPC endpoints (websocket and http for redundancy).

ws_node_endpoint = "wss://" http_node_endpoint = ""

Ethereum private key file path. This file should contain a hex-encoded private key.

private_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file"

[signing] db_file = "/etc/chainflip/data.db"

sudo systemctl start chainflip-node

sudo systemctl status chainflip-node

tail -f /var/log/chainflip-node.log

tail -f /var/log/chainflip-node.log

sudo systemctl start chainflip-engine

sudo systemctl status chainflip-engine

sudo systemctl enable chainflip-node

sudo systemctl enable chainflip-engine

tail -f /var/log/chainflip-engine.log


sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/chainflip

/var/log/chainflip-*.log { rotate 7 daily dateext dateformat -%Y-%m-%d missingok notifempty copytruncate nocompress }

sudo chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/chainflip sudo chown root.root /etc/logrotate.d/chainflip

Bidding & Staking

sudo systemctl restart chainflip-engine

tail -f /var/log/chainflip-engine.log

sudo chainflip-cli
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml
register-account-role Validator

sudo chainflip-cli
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml

sudo chainflip-cli
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml rotate

sudo chainflip-cli
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml
vanity-name xxxxxxxxxxxx