NAME MPX::RIF - build cheap mpx from filenames etc. VERSION version 0.027 SYNOPSIS Read a yaml config file, parse a directory, extract information from filepath write it in human-readable format for debugging and write MPX Mulitmediaobjekt information (XML). use MPX::RIF; my $faker = MPX::RIF->new($config); my $faker->run; #run calls all the steps in the normal order #alternatively you can call the steps yourself #1st step $faker->scandir(); #2nd step $faker->parsedir(); #3rd step $faker->lookupObjId(); #4th step $faker->filter(); #5th step $faker->writeXML(); #6th step $faker->validate(); #Everything else is considered to be the private parts of this module. #For more info see the method run (overview) and the individual methods. METHODS my $faker=MPX::RIF::new ($CONFIG); REQUIRED config is the path to a yaml configuration file. CONIG=>'/path/to/config.yml' Config file parameters are described inside the example config. OPTIONAL BEGIN => 1 #makes MPX::RIF start with yml file 0 for off 1 read scandir from yml file 2 read parsedir from yml file 3 read lookup from yml file DEBUG=>1, # turns debug messages on/off; 1 for on - 0 for off STOP=> 1, # stop after step 1, 0 don't stop 1 stop after step 1, 2 stop after step 2, 3 stop after step 3, 4 and higher - ignored (same as 0) $faker->lookupObjId ('path/to/big-file.mpx'); 3rd step. Associate each resource with an objId. Also filter stuff out that does not have required information. $faker->$filter; 4th step. Drops resources from store if they don't have specified keys. a new step my $newpath=$self->filemover ($oldpath); primitive filemover to eliminate non-unique mulIds. Use at own risk! $faker->parsedir Second step. Will call extension to extract information from file name and path. Also adds constants. Naming convention: Every file that is recognized by the find rules specified in the config.yml is treated as an object with one or several features. $faker->run(); Executes all steps one after according to configuration. See for high-level description. $faker->scandir First step. Just scans the directory according to info from configuration file. It saves info into a yml file (1-scandir.yml) for manual proof reading. Use the STOP option during initialization to abort after this step, e.g. MPX::RIF->new (STOP=>1); $self->validate(); Validate resulting mpx and check for duplicate mulIds. Log errors. $self->writeXML(); TODO: maybe I should check if an resource is complete before I xml-ify it $self->stop ($location); Location is the number of the step where stop is called from. If location matches the $self->{STOP}, MPX::RIF stops gracefully and outputs an a log and or debug message (if debug and log are on). my $ret=$faker->_dirparser ($path); Calls the dirparser callback specified in config.yml. Expects a single path. Returns a hashref representing one object. If something is returned the result is saved in $self->{data}; my $object={ key=>value, feature=>blue, } $self->_loadStore('path/to/store.yml'); $self->_dumpStore('path/to/store.yml'); $self->_storeResource ($resource); Stores the resource in the data store. Requires resource to have an id. If I don't want redundancy, i.e. the id twice, I need to extract it when I save it and reinstate when I get it back. Sofar I, only access from _resources. @arr=$self->_resourceIds(); OLD: Don't know how to do this: Returns one resource at a time from the resource store. Use in while (preferred) or foreach, e.g.: foreach my $resource ($self->_resources()) { #bla } my $resource=$self->_getResource ($id); FUNCTIONS my $xpc=registerNS ($doc); Expects DOM or doc, never sure about it. Returns xpc. Register prefix mpx with RATIONALE There are many images. It can take a long to enter them manually in the database. For each item, there are many repetitive information items, e.g. 1000 fotos were made by the same fotographer. This little perl tool parses a directory and writes XML/MPX with the metadata. It is good with repetative metadata. Of course, this is not a silver bullett. It is a just a cheap solution that works only if you know your photos well. The whole process is broken down in several consecutive steps. State information is dumped a couple of times during executing as yaml, to facilitate proof-reading and error checking. There are debug messages and log messages which should help you finding quirks in your data. The tool is configurable. It's written in a haste i.e. no great code, but it should at least be readable. my $objId=$self->_lookupObjId; return () on failure. INTERNAL INTERFACE AUTHOR Maurice Mengel <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Maurice Mengel. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.