This is a very simple OAI harverster written in perl, based on Tim Brody's great HTTP::OAI. It comes with a few other small and simple perl scripts which I use to deal with my oai/xml workflow. HARVESTER Parameters go into a conf file which is written in yaml format. I think it is likely that you will want to do the same harvesting processes several times. So i think it is good to store that data in one conf file so you execute that again. In the following examples I assume you want to write output to files in a xml directory. Make sure that you create it! #conf/m61117mpx.yml baseURL: '' verb: 'GetRecord' metadataPrefix: 'lido' identifier: '' output: 'xml/61117.lido.xml' unwrap: 'true' validate: '' #in shell >bin/ conf/m1234.yml