
Default website for droplet.mokolabs.com

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is the default app for droplet.mokolabs.com. This app contains a static, single-page web app which can be accessed from droplet.mokolabs.com.

Background: I have deployed a couple of small apps on Digital Ocean using dokku. But, by default, dokku will display the first available app it finds at droplet.mokolabs.com. But, since it's really not good practice for an app to available from two domains (droplet.mokolabs.com and the canonical domain for the app itself), droplet.mokolabs.com should load a different app.

So I created this placeholder app which contains a static index.html file. Then, by deploying the app to dokku with an app name of default, dokku will will load this app first and it will become the homepage for droplet.mokolabs.com.

Note: for this app to load correctly, it MUST be the first to appear in the dokku apps:list. If any other app is listed first, that app will be the first to load.

Getting started

Clone the app

  1. cd Sites/ (or wherever you like to store projects locally)
  2. git clone git@github.com:mokolabs/droplet.mokolabs.com.git default

Deploy the app

The app is hosted on a dokku-managed droplet on Digital Ocean.

Create the app with dokku

  1. Login to the droplet via Terminal.
  2. Run dokku apps:create default to create an app named default

Push the app to dokku

  1. git remote add droplet dokku@droplet.mokolabs.com:default to add droplet remote
  2. git push droplet master to deploy the changes