
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package contains a set of helper functions that make using Meteor easier. Feel free to use it, but honestly I've mainly created this for myself.


$ meteor add mokolodi1:meteor-helpers

Blaze helpers

Helper Description
not NOT of the first argument
or OR of first two arguments
and AND of first two arguments
compare Compares with ===
ne Compares with !==
neither True if neither argument is truthy
isUndefined Checks with === against undefined
print Calls console.log
fromNow Moment.js's fromNow, updates every 10 seconds
length Returns length of arrays and Mongo cursors
getSession Session.get()
getReactive Calls .get() on reactive variable in params
getInstanceReactive Calls .get() on reactive variable in the current Template instance
getInstanceVar Returns the specified variable attached to Template.instance(). Useful for passing a ReactiveVar to a child template.


  {{print "This is the text in textField" textField}}

  {{#if compare textField "hello"}}
    The text is hello!
    The text is not hello :(

  {{#if length arrayField}}
    arrayField has at least one element.

  There are {{getInstanceReactive "counter"}} apple pies.

Server helpers

Moko.ensureIndex adds an index to a collection. See the mongodb docs for more information. If there is an exception creating the index, it will be thrown.


Moko.ensureIndex(CollectionName, {
  field: -1,
  otherField: 1,