
This repository contains a beginner-friendly AWS project using Terraform. Students can use this project as a hands-on introduction to provisioning AWS resources, configuring IAM roles and policies, and interacting with S3 buckets using Python and Boto3

Primary LanguageHCL


Problem Statement:

Alibaba, a leading e-commerce company, is migrating to AWS Cloud and faces the challenge of securely managing its cloud resources, including EC2 instances and data stored in AWS S3 buckets. The goal is to grant specific EC2 instances secure access to data, automate resource provisioning, enable real-time data processing for improved customer experiences, and facilitate efficient customer support access to data files. The solution should involve IAM role creation, AWS S3 bucket setup, EC2 instance deployment via Infrastructure as Code (IAC), Python scripting for secure interactions, and presigned URLs for time-limited data access.

Engineer's Task:

As an engineer, you have been assigned the task of configuring and creating IAM roles, setting up AWS S3 buckets, and deploying EC2 instances using Terraform. Your responsibilities also include SSH access to these servers to run Python scripts that will be used to retrieve objects from S3 buckets and generate presigned URLs for customers, ensuring secure and efficient data access.


Phase 1: S3 Bucket Creation

Task: Create an S3 bucket.

  • Create Bucket: Use the provided Terraform configuration to create an Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket.

  • Bucket Name: Replace "my-unique-bucket-name" with a unique bucket name that adheres to S3 naming rules.

  • Apply Configuration: Execute the Terraform commands to apply the configuration, thus creating your S3 bucket.

  • Ready to Use: With the bucket created, it's now prepared for utilization in subsequent phases of the project.

  • Hint: Make sure to take note of the output bucket ARN as it will be used in the subsequent step.

Phase 2: IAM Role Creation

Task: Create an IAM role allowing EC2 instances to access an S3 bucket.

  • Create IAM Role: Use the provided Terraform configuration to create an IAM role.

  • Modify S3 Bucket ARN: Replace "s3-bucket-name" in the policy configuration with the ARN of the S3 bucket created in Phase 1.

  • Apply Configuration: Execute the Terraform commands to create the IAM role and policy attachment.

  • IAM Role Ready: The IAM role is now ready for association with EC2 instances in the subsequent phase.

Phase 3: Launching EC2 Instances

Task: Launch EC2 instances in the default VPC.

  • Create IAM Instance Profile: Utilize the provided Terraform configuration to create an IAM instance profile. This profile associates the previously created IAM role "my-iam-role" with EC2 instances.

  • Instance Profile Name: Replace "your-instance-profile-name" with your chosen instance profile name or leave as default

  • AMI Selection: Specify the AMI ID ("your-ami-id") of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) you want to use for your EC2 instance.

  • Instance Type: Set the instance type ("your-instance-type") based on your requirements.

  • Key Pair: Replace "your-key-pair-name" with the actual name of your key pair. This is used for SSH access.

  • IAM Instance Profile: Assign the IAM instance profile (aws_iam_instance_profile.example_instance_profile.name) created earlier to the EC2 instance.

  • Tags: Customize the instance tags, including the instance name ("your-instance-name") for easy identification.

  • Apply Configuration: Execute the Terraform commands to launch your EC2 instance in the default Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

  • Instance Ready: Your EC2 instance is now launched and configured with the necessary IAM role for accessing the S3 bucket.

Phase 4: Upload Objects to S3 bucket

  • Verify Resource Creation: Ensure that all the necessary AWS resources, including the S3 bucket, IAM role, IAM instance profile, and EC2 instance, have been successfully created using the provided Terraform configurations.
  • Upload two objects of your choice to the s3 bucket
  • (Optional: Upload your current resume to the s3 bucket)

Phase 5: EC2 and S3 Interaction

Task: Write a Python script to demonstrate EC2 instances accessing the S3 bucket.

  • Manually update security group to allow SSH
  • SSH into your instance
  • install Boto3 and Pip
sudo yum install python3-pip -y
pip3 install boto3
  • Create a python file named main.py using VI editor in your instance and paste the content from the provided Main.py code
  • Edit only line 6 of main.py to replace "your-bucket-name" with your actual bucket name
  • Run python script by executing the following command
python3 main.py
  • The objects in your s3 bucket should be printed on your EC2 terminal.
  • Hint: Make sure to take note of the bucket-key printed in your terminal as it will be used in the subsequent step.

Phase 6: Presigned URL

  • Create a Python file named presigned-url.py and paste the content from the provided presigned-url.py code.
  • Edit line 8 of presigned-url.py to replace "your-bucket-name" with your actual bucket name .
  • Edit line 9 of presigned-url.py to replace "your-object-key" with your actual object key of your uploaded object (Use resume key if it was uploaded).
  • Run the Python script by executing the following command
python3 presigned-url.py
  • The presigned URLs for the objects in your S3 bucket should be printed on your EC2 instance's terminal
  • Send me the presigned URL on Slack so I can download the object.
  • Push all your codes to GitHub and submit the link to the repository as part of your solution