
Utility class to help you discover other classes / namespaces based on the composer auto loader.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Class Finder, like Symfony\Finder but for classes.

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Utility class to help you discover other classes / namespaces based on the composer auto loader.

How to Install

Installation via composer is easy:

composer require gears/class-finder


// Make sure you grab the composer ClassLoader instance, the class finder needs it.
$composer = require('vendor/autoload.php');

// Create a new finder. You may reuse this as much as you like.
// Right now caching is not performed but could be in the future.
$finder = new Gears\ClassFinder($composer);

// Find all classes inside a namespace
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->search();

// Returns an array like:
$classes =
    '/home/user/project/vendor/foo/src/Bar/Baz.php' => 'Foo\\Bar\\Baz',
    '/home/user/project/vendor/foo/src/Bar/Qux.php' => 'Foo\\Bar\\Qux',

// Find all classes inside a namespace that implement an interface.
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->implements('SomeInterface')->search();

// OR you can use the PHP 5.5 ::class operator
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->implements(SomeInterface::class)->search();

// Or filter by parent classes
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->extends(SomeParent::class)->search();

// NOTE: You can't do both out of the box.
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')

// This is now allowed!


// Although you could supply your own custom filter that implemented whatever filtering you like.
$classes = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->filterBy(function($rClass ReflectionClass)
    /* custom logic goes here, must return true or false */

// ClassFinder also implements the IteratorAggregate & Countable interfaces.
$number = $finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar')->count();

foreach ($finder->namespace('Foo\\Bar') as $filepath => $fqcn)

Developed by Brad Jones - brad@bjc.id.au